Tuesday, May 19, 2009

busy day!

Hey everybody!
wow yesterday and today became soooo busy! After my parents brought my brother home from college his girlfriend Tiffany came with him :) She had to leave for the airport this morning at 3:00! (waking me up) lol On top of that my grandparents came to see kyle and Tiff and left at 5:00 in the morning!
Since last night was the last day of Tiffany's stay ( that rimes!) we did not go to sleep till 12:00 looking at funny cat and dog pictures it was lots of fun! I'm going to miss Tiffany but she gets to go back to her home Maine :) And kyle is still here lol
O and i have some bad news about my little romeo :( For the past couple days he had been scratching his one ear and acting kind of funny. So my mom took him to the vet and we found out My little buddy has ear mite :( but the good thing is he has some funny smelling medicine so he will get better lol ( I sound like a concerned little girl lol)
Well talk to ya later
bah bye
Allyson :D

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